Partner our success! SCENTIVO GLOBAL is now looking for agents / distributors.
Partner our success! SCENTIVO GLOBAL is now looking for agents / distributors.

Refund Policy

We believe in offering superior quality  and products but there could be circumstances beyond our control where you could receive a damaged / defective product or a product that is not the same as per your original order. We will happily refund the money or exchange it within 7 days from the date of delivery for other items of the same or higher price that are listed on / . The difference in the amount and the shipping costs will be borne by the customer. Even if you are unhappy with the purchase decision and wish to get the refund back, we will refund you the money except COD charges if applicable. Return shipping cost will not be refunded.

Cancellation Request will be accepted strictly within 24 Hours after delivering the order  only.

Kindly note that we will inspect the item before refund / exchange and refund / exchange will take place only under the following conditions

  • Returns will only be accepted if the product is returned in the original box with our invoice.
  • The products should be new or in unused condition. It should not have any scratches, marks or damage with all the original packaging and materials included.
  • If the item has been resized, altered or damaged we won’t be able to offer the refund/exchange and will have to return it to the customer at the customer’s expense.
  • In case of ring size replacement, we will ship the desired ring size. One way shipping cost has to be borne by the customer.

Steps to follow to exchange / refund our product

  • Drop us an email at info@ or Call us at +971 56 602 0318 between 9:30 AM TO 6:30 PM
  • Expect a response from us within 1-2 working days.
  • Pack the product and courier it to our address with the original gift box. It is advised that the return packets should be adequately packed and the gift box should be with a protective cover or bubble wrap so that there is no  damage of goods in transit.
  • In case of ring size replacement, we will ship the desired ring size. One way shipping cost has to be borne by the customer.


Money will be refunded only after we receive the product and that too in original condition in which we had sent. If we found that product has been used/tampered/ mishandled then we will not refund the money and send  product back at your expense. 

  • In case of refund/exchange, Cash on delivery charge will be NOT included in the refunded/exchanged amount. For e.g. A customer purchased a product of Rs. 1500+SHIPPING through COD payment method and wants it to exchange it with other product. We will exchange with the product of Rs. 1500 and not of Rs. 1550. Similarly we will refund Rs 1500 and not Rs1550.
Refund / Exchange Shipping Address
Head Office,

AI kalbayani building Deira – Dubai,UAE


1)South Africa


Contact No: +971-566020318
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